YES Nepal with financial support of World Women's Day of Prayer (WWDP), Germany and in coordination of Sansthagat Bikas Sanjal has been implementing PAVE Program in wards 1, 2, 3 and 6 of the Mellekh rural municipality of Achham. The objective of this program is to build awareness among female adolescents and vunerable women on reproductive health and to empower community to advocate eradication of widely prevalent malpractice called as Chhaupadi (Menstural Exile). The duration of the program is three years starting from January 2018.
Acquired approval of the local bodies for the implementation of the program. Orientation meetings were organized with stakeholders at rural municipality and ward level. In order to make the program effective and smooth, a baseline survey has been carried out in the program area. 300 households participated in the survey disclosing the health status of women and traditional harmful practices associated with it. The staffs were also given orientation on program and organizational policies and procedures.
Groups of women and female adolescents have been built in the working areas to implement programs in a structured manner. There are six adolescent groups in four wards comprising Dalit, differently able people and marginalized groups, making 39 women groups in total. The women groups have 945 members and female adolescents' groups have 140 members affiliated with them. They hold monthly meeting to develop saving habit and to discuss the ways to eliminate the traditional malpractices of the community. The program also organized interactions among health service providers, teachers, shamans, husbands and wives, mothers and daughters.
Women Employment for Social Transformation Program is being implemented by YES Nepal with financial support of Development Fund Norway in wards 11, 12 and 13 of Sanphebagar Municipality of Achham since April 2017. The program has been implementing with objective of improving the economic well-being of marginalized women, Dalit and children by increasing their access to food security and ensuring gender equality.
27 members from different groups received Rs 10,000 each to buy goats for income generation. They bought 58 goats in total by adding some contribution of their own. Starting from 58, the number of goats has reached to 93. Nine members have already earned Rs 67,000 from selling their goats. This year, a d d i t i o n a l 2 6 m e m b e r s obtained financial support of Rs. 12,000 each to buy 66 goats in total.
45 group members were provided with wide varieties of vegetable seeds, such as cauliflower, tomato, spinach, cabbage etc. Among them, 22 members made income of Rs 1,02,400 by selling their surplus home grown produces. In addition to that, 15 members were distributed 810 seedlings of different fruits items such as lemon, sweet lemon, orange etc. At present, 542 plants are growing healthy and strong and expected to bear fruits within a time frame.
103 members participated in nutrition trainings. After the trainings, behavioral changes in regard to their eating habits have been observed in 70 households. Before their participation in the trainings, they used to sell pulses and vegetables to purchase junk food such as instant noodles and chips. Nowadays, they eat beans, spinach, finger millet etc.
Total of 144 members including 122 females and 22 males participated in the kitchen gardening trainings. 54 participants have been growing green vegetables throughout the year.
Five community homestay programs have been operated in ward 13, Khaptad of Sanfebagar Municipality. In the inauguration ceremony of the homestay program, Deputy-mayor, journalists, media persons, communication officer of tourism board and ward chairpersons were presented. Until now, 80 guests came to enjoy the natural settings of Achham and learnt the aspects of a different culture. Hosting families earned Rs. 95,000 from the homestay.
Advancing economies and fulfillment of the rights of the community is vital to embrace Loktantra (People's Democracy) in their lives. In order to mainstream the marginalized and disadvantaged groups in people's democracy, there is a need of massive support in relation to economic empowerment of these communities. Keeping in view this, YES Nepal has been implementing Right to Earn a Living Program with support from European Union and ICCO Cooperation. The beneficiaries of the program are Badish in Bachaur, Lamkichuha Municipality and free bonded laborers in Dhurjanna, Dhandadhi Submetropolitan. The program aims at empowering them through building entrepreneurships and livelihoods. The tenure of the program is two and half years from January 2018 to June 2021 and is focused on 260 households.
• Selection of staffs and program orientations were successfully carried out. The organization also obtained approval from the local government bodies prior to program implementation and also took part in the trainings and meetings organized by ICCO Cooperation and European Union. Baseline survey was conducted to identify the situations of community. The program has organized series of meetings and trainings at community level.
YES Nepal carried out various activities for the promotion of tourism acquiring financial support from Sanfebagar Municipality of Achham District. The organization operated different activities around Khaptad, one of the popular touristic destinations of Achham. The main objective of the program was to enable local people to develop tourism and eventually to contribute to their livelihood. YES Nepal mobilized the fund of Sanfebagar Municipality only on program activities whereas for the administrative cost, contribution was made from YES Nepal.
Ardha Kumbha religious fair was organized from 22 to 28 Baishakh at Baijanath pilgrimage site of Achham District. The fair had displayed 60 photographs of religious, historic and cultural places and values located at Province seven. People in huge number came to observe the fair.
YES Nepal organized interaction program to discuss the prospects and challenges of tourism in Sanfebagar. The program was participated by officials of tourism sector, the director of the tourism board, the chief of Sanfebagar Municipality and local political leaders. During the interaction, some they expressed their personal opinions on potential benefits and problems in tourism sector. They also came to conclusion that trail road connection to Khaptad from Achham should get fixed.
YES Nepal organized tourist guide training for youths of intermediate region of Khaptad National Park. The training was received by 14 local youths. During the training, information was provided on various religious and touristic places across the Budhakot-Khaptad trail road. Similarly, they learnt about Patalkot, Devisthan, Chaukhutte, Nateswari- Verasain, Sahasraling-Nayanee, Sahasraling-Balyat and Unaisain-nalisada trail road.>
YES Nepal and tourism board jointly organized awareness raising activities in the villages of intermediate regions along Khaptad National park. With the support of locals, plans to promote the tourism in these areas were collected.
With support from the Sanfebagar Municipality, a tourism information center has been set up at the office of YES Nepal in Sanfebagar. The official opening of the center was done by Mr. Kul Bahadur Kunwar, the Mayor of Sanfebagar Municipality. The opening was also attended by the 14 ward chairpersons of Sanfebagar Municipality, tourist guides and other stakeholders.